It’s beginning to look a lot like a rainy Christmas

Published 7:30 am Thursday, December 21, 2023

The National Weather Service has released their forecast for the Christmas weekend, and locals can expect lightning and pockets of excessive rainfall.

According to the NWS, there is a slight risk for excessive rainfall over southwest Texas and parts of Louisiana, with rainfall amounts likely ranging from one to four inches. The rain is expected to develop Friday afternoon and evening and continue until Monday, Dec. 25.

Doug Cramer, warning coordination meteorologist, NWS Weather Forecast Office for Lake Charles, said that the incoming storm system will bring “much-needed rainfall” to the area. He said it will be a welcome sight, as Southwest Louisiana is still experiencing drought conditions.

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“This rainfall that we’re going to be getting is going to be beneficial.”

Almost all locations affected by the storm system will receive at least an inch of rain, with many locations receiving over two inches.

The probability of precipitation forecast for Lake Charles is 35 percent on Friday afternoon, 50 percent Saturday afternoon, 90 percent Sunday afternoon and 45 percent Monday afternoon, according to NWS data.

Due to the widespread nature of the storm system, there will be risk for pockets of flooding. However, there is not  “much of a signal for severe weather,” said Cramer.

Many will be driving this weekend for the holiday events, making it one of the busiest travel weekends of the year. He said that motorists should be mindful of the general increase of accidents that occur when roads are wet. Poor weather can lead to reductions in visibility and a chance of water ponding on roads that leads to hydroplaning.

“We certainly encourage people to give themselves some extra time to reach their destination, slow down a little bit, give themselves some space between them and the car ahead of them in case there is some reduction in visibility.”

Despite the incoming rain, Cramer said that the area will still likely end 2023 in a rain deficit and chart below average for the year.

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