Ft. Polk soldier arrested for child porn

Womack charged with five counts of distribution

A Fort Polk soldier was arrested over the weekend for the distribution of child porn, according to authorities.

Joey Womack, 31, was arrested on Dec. 14 by Louisiana State Police. He was charged with five counts of distribution of pornography involving juveniles.

According to Master Trooper Scott Moreau, Louisiana State Police, with the assistance of Fort Polk Criminal Investigation Division, made the arrest on Friday following an investigation conducted by LSP’s Special Victims Unit out of the Alexandria Field Office.

Moreau said that earlier this month, Special Victims investigators began an investigation pertaining to illicit images of child sexual abuse involving toddlers. During that investigation, Moreau said, a person of interest was identified.

As a result of the joint investigation and information obtained, a search warrant was issued for a residence located at the Fort Polk military installation. Following the execution of the search warrant, Womack was arrested and booked into the Vernon Parish Jail with no bond set. He is expected to be transferred to the Rapides Parish Jail, according to Moreau.

Fort Polk officials have confirmed to the American Press that Womack was listed as active duty at the time of his arrest on Friday.””arrested joey womack
