Fugitive sex offender nabbed

Anyone with information on Bolish is asked to contact the Welsh Police Department at 337-734-2626.

WELSH — A convicted sex offender wanted by the U.S. Marshals Service was arrested Wednesday in Welsh, authorities said.

Police Chief Marcus Crochet said Jerry A. Bolish, 51, was taken into custody at 3 p.m. while walking in the area of Sportsman Park. Police had received complaints about a suspicious person there, Crochet said.

Bolish lied to police about his identify, using the alias Jerry Chambers, he said.

Police later learned Bolish, a sex offender, was wanted by U.S. Marshals Service, Crochet said.

Bolish is a multistate offender with a warrant pending in Coeur D’Alene, Idaho, he said.

Bolish was booked into the Welsh jail and is awaiting extradition. Authorities believe Bolish lived near Sportsman Park in Welsh and in Jennings for a period of time.

Anyone with information on Bolish can call Welsh police at 734-2626.
