LC Community Band Christmas concert set for Friday

If it’s Christmas music that’s needed to set the holiday mood, hear favorites for free. At 7 p.m. Friday, Dec. 2, the Lake Charles Community Band, under the direction of Dr. Scott Deppe, invites the public to their Christmas Concert at Trinity Baptist Church, 1800 Country Club Road (corner of Nelson and Country Club).

The concert will feature the moving favorite, “Mary, Did You Know,” performed by soloist Dr. Leo Day, executive pastor of praise and worship at Trinity. Day will be accompanied by a woodwind and string ensemble.

The annual Christmas Concert is sponsored by Phillips 66 and is part of the LCCB “Catch a Concert” series. Concert selections will include favorites from “Frozen” and “Polar Express.” Enjoy traditional music, such as “Silent Night,” “Jingle Bells,” “The Most Wonderful Time of the Year” and “Stille, Stille, Stille,” an Austrian lullaby published in 1864. To make sure to transport tidings of great joy from concert venue to home address, the audience will be invited to sing along for the concert finale.
