BESE recommends teacher pay raises
Marlisa Harding
The Louisiana Board of Elementary and Secondary Education recently approved a new Minimum Foundation Program formula for the upcoming school term. If approved, the state’s education budget would increase by an estimated $80 million with $40 million allocated for an annual pay raise for teachers and support staff and $40 million to increase the statewide per pupil amount.
In its request to the state Legislature, which holds the authority to approve or deny the formula, BESE requested the formula be returned to the body should additional funds be realized during the budgeting process.
“It is possible that the Revenue Estimating Conference could revise its projections upward for the fiscal year,” Kevin Calbert, BESE spokesman, said. “In the event this happens, the board has requested that lawmakers send the formula back for possible adjustments before they vote on it.”
If legislators approve the formula in its current state, teachers will see an annual pay raise of $400 and $200 for support staff.
Sandy Holloway, BESE president, said in a news release that the effort to increase teacher pay is to help move Louisiana teachers towards the regional average.
Most recent data published by the Southern Regional Education Board shows the regional average at $53,340 and Louisiana teachers at $50,288, Calbert said.
The $40 million pay raise also mirrors the proposed allocation in Gov. John Bel Edwards’ 2021-2022 executive budget.
The 1.375 percent increase or $4,070 for the statewide per pupil amount will be distributed based on enrollment counts. According to BESE’s data, the Calcasieu, Cameron, Beauregard, Jefferson Davis and Vernon parishes experienced a recent population decrease that will likely affect the impact of the increase.
Allen Parish, however, will see a 0.75 percent or $2114,328 increase in its MFP funding. Holloway said the per-pupil increases will support school and systems “as they continue to meet the challenge of educating students amid the COVID-19 pandemic.”
The BESE-approved formula also includes a $2,000 annual stipend to certified mentor teachers. The 2021 Louisiana legislative session will convene on April 12.