Jeff Davis, Vernon police juries oppose vaccine mandates

JENNINGS — The Jeff Davis Parish Police Jury joined the Vernon Parish Police Jury on Wednesday in opposing COVID-19 vaccine mandates.

The Police Jury unanimously passed a resolution opposing “any and all” vaccine mandates without any discussion. The resolution is similar to one passed by the Vernon Parish Police Jury on Sept. 30.

Police Jury President Steve Eastman said after the meeting that the Police Jury is not against people getting the vaccine, but are against those who are being forced to take the vaccine.

“Basically we are saying the government should not be able to force someone to take a shot,” Eastman. “Every adult who wants a COVID-19 vaccine has the right to make a fully informed decision to obtain one and has the ability to do so, as they are widely available and offered free, but no vaccine or vaccine passport should be mandated or required by law.”

“We as a political body should not force you to take it,” Eastman continued. “I’m OK with you taking it and we as a body are saying ‘If you want it, you take it.”

The resolution states that citizens should have the right to refuse vaccination based on religious, medical or personal reasons.

Eastman said he had been approached by a number of people who asked him to look at the action taken by the Vernon Parish Police Jury.

According to the proclamation adopted by the Vernon Parish Police Jury, jurors are against all limitations to personal freedom and choice imposed by vaccine mandates, passports, lockdowns, surveillance and laws regarding COVID-19.

As of Wednesday, the Louisiana Department of Health was reporting 511 new COVID-19 cases statewide With 477 COVID hospitalizations and 30 deaths. The new cases were the lowest number since June 29.

In Jeff Davis Parish, two new cases and one death were reported with 36 percent of the parish’s population vaccinated, according to LDH.

The Police Jury also passed a separate resolution from the Vernon Parish Police Jury supporting the Second Amendment and right to bear arms.

The resolution, which was passed without discussion, indicates police jurors support the right of all constituents to bear arms.
