
Universities can help restart state economy

The presidents of Tulane University and LSU are convinced the reopening of university campuses this fall is vital ...

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Universities can help restart state economy

The presidents of Tulane University and LSU are convinced the reopening of university campuses this fall is vital ...


Infrastructure jobs put people to work

Two former Louisiana public officials believe one of the best ways to get the country back to work ...


Progress welcome on vaccine

In times like these, any good news is most welcome. And the good news recently came from Moderna, ...

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Nurses go above, beyond call of duty

Each year in May America celebrates National Nurses Week. The observance has its roots in the 1950s and ...


Nurses go above, beyond call of duty

Each year in May America celebrates National Nurses Week. The observance has its roots in the 1950s and ...


If you must go out, stay safe

The best way to curb the spread of COVID-19 is to stay at home if you can. If ...


Combining schools topic of meetings

The Calcasieu Parish School Board will consider a school reconfiguration plan agenda item during its budget committee meeting ...


Reopening requires childcare funding

Louisiana’s child care centers were going to get an additional $25 million in state aid for fiscal 2020-21, ...


Testing, tracers key to protecting people

Contact tracers and accelerated testing for COVID-19, the coronavirus disease, are the two ways to successfully open up ...

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