
Navy awarded USS Gerald Ford contract in ’08

<p class="p1"><strong>I saw in the paper recently they launched the nuclear aircraft carrier USS Gerald R. Ford. Could ...


Mint authorized to make foreign coins in 1874

Did the U.S. Mint ever make a coin called a peso? And when did the Mint stop putting ...


Courts have seen fewer than dozen texting tickets

How many tickets have been written for texting while driving? Lake Charles City Court has handled 10 citations ...


Here’s how to contact state, national lawmakers

An American Press reader called the office a couple of days ago and asked that the paper print ...


Boardwalk extension on list of city projects

Does the city ever plan to rebuild the boardwalk? Yes, said Mike Huber, city planning director. “Improvements along ...


Combre, Highland sites of Audrey mass graves

I heard that after Hurricane Audrey there were mass graves for those who could not be identified. Could ...


Donations, grant paid for July Fourth display

How much did the city spend on the July Fourth fireworks display? City spokesman Matt Young said the ...


US Supreme Court last ruled on prayer in 2014

A federal appeals court on Friday ruled that a public board in North Carolina violated the Constitution by ...


Utilities can’t profit from fuel adjustment charge

A reader recently asked about the fuel adjustment charge on energy bills and how it’s affected by natural ...


City code has provisions to regulate beekeeping

<p class="p1"><strong>Can people keep bees in the city of Lake Charles?</strong></p><p class="p2">Yes.</p><p class="p2">But beekeepers must register their honey ...

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