Disabled people do need help in their lives

Published 2:09 am Tuesday, January 7, 2020

To the Informer;

I have been a resident from the town of Lake Charles for 58 years and I have not yet recognized any type of services that has been offered to me in any shape, form or fashion in helping me to put my life together after a deadly infection called Sepsis in 2014.

I had caught a serious infection that many people have not been to aware of and it has been known to cause many deaths with the young to older people, if not caught in time to treat them medically.  Even the recovery period could last for several years if a person does not have the correct type of medical care and why I have decided to bring this into the subject on this terrible topic of heath concerns, has been due to the fact that I have never got my life together for many years after this terrible infection, due to many factors concerning not having the best medical care when I have needed help with some issues, concerning my health even today from Sepsis. 

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I have had problems to receive proper medical treatment when I have not been able to find a good medical facility to help me through some problems I have had with my health conditions even at this stage of my life and today I still have not improved to be considered an person who has been in good complete health yet in her life to be able to say I can walk  like a normal person or the fact I do not have the adequate medical care from any medical facilities who has not treated me medically for any type of conditions I have suffered to, due to the fact I had lived below-poverty and could not afford the type of medical treatment required for my medical issues and I have suffered in pain very badly and have not been able to just go and visit a medical clinic, due to the fact I had no money nor medical insurance

I could sense the negative vibes from the people at these medical clinics who became very rude to me for reasons I could never quite figure out, because even though I had went to them when I was in horrible pain for some problems i had with my health conditions, I didn’t seem to be accepted nor greeted with any type of friendly atmosphere when I had to find ways to pay expensive medical visits and most of the medical treatments given to me never helped me with any of my health issues and I continued to live in pain very badly and money wasted for terrible medical care.

Though, I been trying to find ways to sum up my article it does not show me how the community where I came from all my life has not been really behind me on helping me rebuild my life to an functional, independent person again, because many of the employers have not tried to hire me for years in leaving me to sit disabled, locked inside of my home day and night with health conditions with no type of income to pay any of my living necessities and I have suffered terribly through the years not having an income to be able to pay any of my living necessities for my medical needs to not even my own personal things for myself.

It has not been easy for me to receive decent medical care with no income nor health insurance, due to the fact that many of these clinics will not accept me as a patient on a basis of paying in person and I have been refused many times medical visits, due to the fact I had no medical insurance to be seen as a patient.

I do not believe many people have faced the problems, I have gone through in my life with no help from family or friends finding that if you had hardships in your life and you were down on your luck then you suffered very badly in terrible pain and not finding one person close by to help you through some hardships. I do not know what this world holds for people like me in my state of condition when I had paid more than half of the therapy clinics in different parishes to find not one of them tried to help me gain my ability to walk in the past, but today these problems have caught up with me in causing me to fall in health issues in not walking for a very long time and I have not been exactly treated with a lot of respect from many people I have met in my life, but treated very badly as a person who just needed help with medical issues from some medical clinics. I had spent good money that was paid to these people to help me and they never tried to see me through my medical problems to help me improve my health. 

If things do not seem to improve for me in the next several months to another year, honestly I do not know what life will bring my way when I have already been down on my luck with no ability to walk and terrible pain I have been living with, due to no decent medical care for myself nor finding anyone willing to help me with any type of good therapy to get me walking like a human being, I have felt from the day my husband had died in 2005, I would face many hardships in my life in the town where i was born and raised from, because I never seemed to had received the respect and acknowledgment by people in society like my husband had received by many people, but I was always overlooked like I didn’t matter in life like some dried up substance that would eventually fly away with the wind, but as terrible as it has been in what I have described about my situation, I thought we all had the rights as Americans to have the freedom to live as Citizens in the United States, but I do not recognize or find my freedom being protected any longer, but more less most of my rights has been taken from me, compared to how other people had more rights as American Citizens compared to me. My question has been what does hold through for me, concerning many of these problems today when I has no rights to work outside my home like other people nor be able to receive medical care like the next person and I had to live in terrible pain through my body and what do I do with this situation?  Where are my rights to be able to find a job and pull an income in my home in hopes I could afford a better place to live, due to the home I  now have has been an accident waiting to happen in my life with a foot condition and nothing does not seem to change for me and I have found nothing, but terrible issues concerning these problems.

I have felt personally some or most people have been able to at least improve their lives, but for me I have been placed on the back burner by society for a very long time and believe me i have always helped myself high percentage of the time and other people,but today I do not know what life holds for me in the next several years living without an income as terrible as it has been for me and not finding any employers willing to help someone like me in my situation, because they have left me to sit without an income for many years and like I had said, my health did drop to serious health problems, due to the stress of no income and having to live such a terrible life in pain and misery with worry if I would be homeless in the next few months, but as I mention homelessness, believe me I don’t think it would be an grand suggestion for me and my daughter to live on the streets, due to no income when in fact someone could get killed, robbed and rapped to even being murdered. I am sorry, but these conditions that I and my daughter have been facing has been very dangerous living years without an income and my sitting with the same health conditions from several years ago, to no improvements made for me, concerning my well-being due,to my status of living below-poverty very severely.

I feel that if other people might be reading this article, perhaps you could help me to a job and say a little prayer for me and my daughter, because the situations I have given you have been very dangerous to our well-beings and this does not look very good, concerning things in what I have told you in my article above. I thank you for your time.