My life or death from the Coronovirus

Published 5:39 am Friday, April 3, 2020

I have been an resident from Lake Charles, Louisiana and I have had many situations with my health concerns and the problems that could arise with my daughter who is a little over thirty years old. I am writing my article for the local newspaper to give my experiences about the problems concerning the Coronavirus and I know we have known how dangerous this disease has been to many people across the nation to other countries.

Though, today to my surprise I had received a phone call about my health care and the appointment was apparently made a few months ago, by the request of an nurse practitioner who suggested I needed to be seen about my kidneys which has been falling below the numbers where they should of been functioning and an kidney specialist from an local charity hospital felt I could wait on my visit to be seen, until the summertime., due to the Coronavirus problem.

i have had family who have suggested I waited to be seen by the local charity hospital,until things would possibly calm down, until this disease was some how not growing in large numbers like today, but there was a nurse practioiner who had called me from an below-poverty clinic wanting me to see her at an appointment concerning my medical issues.and I had thought there was no appointment made for me to see her at this medical clinic, because I was turned over to specialists in an few months.

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My point concerning this article has been who would in their right mind would want me to go to an medical clinic where me and my daughter could get very sick from other people with this dangerous Infection and how would an medical care provider expect me to go to my appointment with an weaken immune system and expect me, my daughter to be exposed to this dangerous sickness? My daughter has never been healthy and would not be able to help pull the income in the home with a small job where she has worked from home to help this situation and my health problems from the past when I had Sepsis in 2014, which I never fully recovered to get my life together.  I have had an hard time to find an job with medical issues and being disabled with low percentage kidneys.

It is to the point now that I have to use my common sense concerning medical care providers that I have seen as an patient and have had to put my life first and the welfare of my daughter along with everything else in how to not get infected from that dangerous infection, that I have given above in my letter giving my fears and concerns like other people. It made me upset that an medical clinic would of thought that low of me and my daughter to go to an clinic where we could had been exposed to that possible deadly sickness and I do believe the medical field needs to think about the safety of their patients and other people..