Deaville releases Louisiana Music Educators Association history book

Published 10:32 am Thursday, September 28, 2023

On the heels of the Louisiana Music Educators Association’s 90-year anniversary, Patrick Deaville has released a comprehensive history of the LMEA’s history.

He released the book “Louisiana Musician Retrospective: A History of the Louisiana Music Educators Association 1938-2023” this year. The book follows the LMEA over the years, including notable persons, events and pictures.

He said this endeavor was necessary. Despite nearly one century of history, very little has been “captured for remembrance or research.”

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“Over these many decades, tens of thousands of Louisiana music students have been profoundly impacted by their participation in school music programs. It was only fitting that the big-picture story behind their experience should be compiled and made publicly available.”

Deaville has a long history in music education. For 20 years, he served as an award-winning band director before becoming the supervisor of music and director of curriculum and instruction for the Calcasieu Parish school district.

He has been highly involved with the LMEA. He served a 34-year tenure on the board of directors. He also spent eight years as a district director, 25 years as chairman of the LMEA Professional Development Conference and 28 years as editor of The Louisiana Musician.

In 2003, he was inducted into the LMEA Hall of Fame. He was also honored with the Distinguished Legacy Award in 2022, and was an initial inductee into the Sam Houston High School Hall of Fame this year.

Given his connection to the LMEA, Deaville said that his mission to create “Louisiana Musician Retrospective” was “humbling and rewarding.” During the process, he realized that even he had a lot to learn.

“When I began the project a year ago, I thought I knew much about the timelines, critical events and essential leaders. Within a few weeks, I was embarrassed to discover how little I knew. After nine months of constant research, I finally felt the real story had come together.”

His mentors and his mentors’ mentors encouraged him to compile the history “while it was still fresh in their minds” during his 50-year involvement in the LMEA, he said. However, the passing of one of the organization’s founding members gave him the push he needed to begin the project.

“I began to feel like the ‘last man standing.’ If I didn’t write it, would it ever get written?”

As a previous editor of the organization’s magazine, he had access to printed information. He also received help gathering printed information from his predecessors, Francis Bulber and Tom Wafer. However, he found difficulty tracking data from 1936 to 1960 and stated it was “very challenging to accumulate and verify.” In addition to the magazines, he said his best resource was handwritten board of director minutes.

While gathering the resources, he realized that the richest aspects of the LMEA’s history were passed down orally.

“I discovered that much of our institutional memory has become a collection of casual conversations passed down from generation to generation, making our true story somewhat blurred and disjointed. While I was fortunate to find some long-lost articles and archived photos, I did not have the chance to converse in detail with all of the founding members, as most had passed away before I began the project.”

The three visionary mantras of the LMEA are Quantity, Quality and Community. To celebrate someone who embodied these three mantras, Deaville donated a copy of the book to the McNeese Library in memory of Dr. Norman Smith, one of the first Louisiana Music Educator Hall of Famers and band directors at McNeese State University.

Smith served as a pilot during World War II, had tenures directing band at DeRidder High School, Terrebonne High School and McNeese State University and served on the LMEA Board of Directors for several years. He also organized the first All-Louisiana Collegiate Band in the early 1970s and was awarded the Edwin Franko Goldman Award in 1997. Deaville said this is the highest honor of the Bandmaster Association.

“He was quiet, yet adventurous, studious yet a groundbreaking leader.”

Deaville said that Smith was also a “prolific author on music literature history with a considerable international reputation and audience.”

Deaville dedicated the book to the “thousands of Louisiana music educators not mentioned by name.”

“Those not named sacrificed so much for the betterment of their students, schools and communities. They are the true heroes and heroines of this story.”

The book is self-published. A limited number of collectors copies were produced by Wise Publication in Sulphur, and will be sold to active and retired LMEA members during 2023-24 school year events.

Personal copies can be purchased directly from Deaville. Requests can be mailed to P.O. Box 6294, Lake Charles, La., 70606.

Deaville will present a session on “the History of LEMA” at the Annual LMEA Professional Development Conference on Saturday, Nov. 18 at the Crown Plaza Conventions Center in Baton Rouge.