La. law regarding library materials in effect

Published 11:49 am Thursday, August 3, 2023

Calcasieu Public Libraries, and other public libraries across the state, have until Jan. 1, 2024,  to adopt a policy to limit the exposure of children to sexually explicit materials. SB 7 (Act 436) was signed by the Governor in June, and became effective Tuesday, Aug. 1. 

“There is lots of language in this bill that defines sexually explicit materials, and none of that language singles out or targets the LGBTQ lifestyle,” said State Rep. Brett Geymann, Dist. 35. 

Parents are the final say when deciding on the reading, listening and viewing choices of their minor children. 

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He described the law as an application of common sense. 

“The media wants to pick up the storyline that this is another attack on the LGBT community. It’s not,” he said. 

Heather Cloud introduced SB 7. Local State representatives  Geymann and Phillip Tarver are listed as two of the six other authors or bill supporters. 

“The policy has minimum requirements including the creation of a library card system that requires a minor’s parent or guardian to select whether the minor is permitted to check out these types of materials,” said Marjorie Harrison, Calcasieu Parish public library director. 

Once the policy is created and approved by the Library Board, staff will begin to work with its Integrated Library System vendor to set up the library circulation system software to match the policy. 

Harrison said it’s likely a new library card profile will be created in the system, and the year given by the State to develop the policy and make the changes to the computer system are adequate. 

To view the text of ACT No. 436, type this in the browser: