Beau and Dana Maida: Couple gifted with the gift of giving

Published 10:54 am Saturday, July 1, 2023

Beau Maida, director of Rail Business, has been representing a company for which he works in Westlake and Calcasieu Parish. However, that’s not his purpose, he says.

“I am not here to build railroads,” he said. God has other things for me to do.”

He and wife Dana have been gifted with the gift of giving.

“Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them: if prophecy, in proportion to our faith; if service, in our serving, the one who teaches, in his teaching, the one who exhorts, in his exhortation; the one who contributes, in generosity; the one who leads, with zeal, the one who does acts of mercy, with cheerfulness (Romans 12:6-8, ESV).

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Giving to others gives them pleasure. “I enjoy it so much to see the difference that God can make in lives through giving,” he said. “It is really an incredible opportunity given to us.  You can’t out give God.”

The Maidas recently donated $5,000 to Rick Johnston for training and other expenses related to starting a Parkinson’s Support Group.

“It was one of those God things,” Johnston said.

He had been talking to someone about plans and funding. That person’s next phone call was from Maida, and everything just fell into place.

The Maidas haven’t always given generously like they do now. They haven’t always tithed, which is giving ten percent of their income to their church.

“My daughter had a birth defect, no pedicales on her spine. A minor accident created a life threatening event. It appeared she would become a quadriplegic  because no doctor would agree to operate.”

Finally the Maidas found a doctor that would perform a procedure that had never been done before. It was expensive. They planned to use their charge card.

“We got home a week later, and I got a bonus check. It was the exact amount we needed, plus ten percent. We don’t get bonus checks in June.”

He called his boss and asked how he came up with the figure, and the boss told him that the company had made some extra money, and that was the amount of the extra money.

“If I could say one thing to others, it is to listen. Elijah was hiding from Jezebel after a great victory, God came to him in a great, strong wind, an earthquake, a fire and after the fire, a still small voice. The other thing is, you can never tell who is listening to you represent the Kingdom of God. Pay attention.”