Decision 2023: Early voting kicks off Saturday for April 29 election

Published 4:08 am Friday, April 14, 2023

Early voting begins Saturday, April 15, for the April 29 elections throughout Southwest Louisiana.

Voters can cast ballots 8:30 a.m.-6 p.m. daily through Saturday, April 22, at voter registrar offices. Early voting is closed on Sunday.

In Calcasieu Parish, early ballots can be cast at the Calcasieu Parish Courthouse, 1000 Ryan St., in room seven on the second floor. Voters should bring a photo identification.

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The Sulphur and Moss Bluff locations will be not be open.

Ballots will feature tax propositions in Calcasieu, Beauregard, Jeff Davis and Vernon parishes.

The ballot items for Southwest Louisiana:


A 10-year, 5.50 mills maintenance millage renewal for Recreation District No. 1 of Ward 3.


A 10-year, parishwide school district proposition for maintenance and operations of schools; the millage renewal authorizes the school board to continue to levy a 22.52 mills tax on all property subject to taxation, representing a 1.17 mills adjustment due to reappraisal over the 21.35 mills authorized in 2013.

A parishwide school district proposition issuing $26,000,000 of 20-year general obligation bonds for
construction and renovations to school facilities.

Ward 6 propositions (five in total) to allow the sales of alcoholic beverages containing not more than six percent alcohol by volume by package or for consumption on premises; to allow the sale of alcoholic beverages containing one-half of one percent alcohol by volume by package or for consumption on premises; to allow the sale of beverages of high and low alcoholic content be permitted only on the premises of restaurant establishments that have been issued permits.

A 10-year, 5.98 mills millage continuation for Fire Protection District No. 1; it would generate

Jeff Davis

A 10-year, 1 percent sales tax proposition for the town of Elton.


A 10-year, 8.12 mills parishwide school tax proposition for maintenance and operations of schools.

A 10-year, 14.57 mills tax continuation for Picking School District 142 (Ward 4).

A 10-year 13.83 mills tax renewal for Hornbeck School District 143.

A 10-year, 19.11 mills tax continuation for Ward 5 Wardwide School District 144.

A 10-year, 13.24 mills tax renewal for Orange School District 145.

A 10-year, 14.32 mills tax continuation for Ward 8 Wardwide School District 151.

A 10-year, 12.68 mills tax renewal for Ward 6 Wardwide School District 161.

A 10-year, 13.03 mills tax renewal for Ward 1 Wardwide School District 162.