Women's fancy shawl dancers join male dancers in the center arena Saturday during the Grand Entry for the 25th annual Coushatta Tribe of Louisiana Pow Wow. The Pow Wow is held each year as a celebration of life and to honor tribal ancestors through music and dance.
More than 400 Native Americans from throughout the United States and Canada gathered in Kinder this weekend for the 25th annual Coushatta Tribe of Louisiana Pow Wow. Native American dancers, drummers and artisans showcased their customs, culture and history through music, dance, food and art.
Elijah Garner, 4, of Zwolle was among the young dancers taking part this weekend in the 25th annual Coushatta Tribe of Louisiana Pow Wow in Kinder. Garner, who is a member of Choctaw-Apache Tribe of Ebarb, La., has been dancing for two years.
Dancers perform in colorful regalia made with buckskin, feathers and beads Saturday during the 25th annual Coushatta of Tribe of Louisiana Pow Wow in Kinder. Visitors enjoyed a weekend of dance and drug competitions, along with Native American crafts and food.
Native Americans make their way into the arena Saturday for the Grand Entry during the 25th annual Coushatta Tribe of Louisiana Pow Wow in Kinder. More than 400 Native Americans of all ages from the United States and Canada participated in a weekend of dance and drum competitions.