Kristin Burns: God has given me all the resources to help

Published 6:46 am Monday, November 1, 2021

By Marlisa Harding

American Press

Sometimes our natural gifts and skills lend themselves best to help others. Kristin Burns, a Moss Bluff resident and daughter of deaf parents, grew up with American Sign Language as her first language.

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Helping her parents and their friends communicate was always second-nature. But a career and volunteering with her language was not her initial plan.

“It was always in the back of my mind because I always had a love for the language, for deaf people and the deaf culture,” she said.

“But also as a CODA, you already feel labeled. You already feel like it because you’ve done it for you whole childhood, so automatically you feel labeled that you’re going to become an interpreter. You kind of want to separate yourself and find your own identity.”

Burns spent several years doing just that, working in various career paths that did not involve interpreting. But opportunities to use her first language and help others kept appearing.

“One time I was at Walmart and there was this lady trying to communicate with the cashier. So, I stepped in and I said, ‘Hey, my name is Kristin. I know sign language. Do you mind if I help you?’ ”

Noticing deaf people and communicating with them is simply second nature to her, she said. “It’s crazy because every time you see a deaf person and can communicate with them, their face just lights up! They just crave that language and are like, ‘Oh my gosh! You sign?’ ”

Even when out trick-ortreating, Burns’ eyes were well-tuned to those around her, even noticing a deaf father with his son.

“That’s just where my heart is…And he was just so happy that we knew his language!”

While most of her volunteer interpreting opportunities have been informal, Burns is preparing to formalize her service by offering interpreting services at her local church.

“I feel like God’s given me all the resources. It’s like He’s saying, ‘I’ve given you everything you’ve asked for. Are you going to make the first step?’

“It (church) could be a place where they could come and get fed through Jesus, knowing Him, but also through finding other deaf people —other people with the same language and the culture.”