Unemployment causes good people to suffer in life

Published 5:36 am Monday, December 30, 2019

 I felt to write this article in the local newspaper of the American Press, because I wanted to give my situation. I wanted to express my opinions and experiences on a few happenings in my life in concerns to my well-being and how the problems I have faced has done affected my life and how unhappy I have been for a very long time,

Perhaps, most people have not had exactly the type of situations and bearers placed in their lives from consistent problems like I have had and I’m not saying that other people are not experiencing problems of their own, but we do come with our own different experiences and if I could give you my situation, perhaps I would not feel exactly like I been by myself through these bearers in my life.

I have faced problems in my past to the world of unemployment issues in Lake Charles, Louisiana for more than several years and not finding anyone recognizing the fact I have been in need of an income in my home for many years and I have been left to sit without an job and how I had felt this was terribly cruel and inhumane treatment for anyone to face in their lives, like mine.

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Let me the first to say, that there has been problems with unemployment for many years to the point I had almost lost my life to this situation in the year 2014 and I could barely pull myself together, due to not having money for good medical care nor to pay my living needs.

I wish I knew how to mention the fact what a person does face when you are in your bed dying from a severe infection called Sepsis and you tried a few doctor offices, but no one knew what was causing my illness, until I was rushed to a local hospital, but I had died to the emergency room and I was helped the best they knew how for my type of situation but it came from unemployment problems in not getting good medical care in the beginning stages of my bladder infection that caused the sepsis illness to strike me down in bad health.

I have had lingering effects from the last sickness even some years later, even today in not getting decent medical care nor therapy for a very long time and I have suffered a great deal of pain, because I have not been able to have any type of income and medical insurance to be able to pull my life together with quality medical care not even at this time. People, I have tried to find assistance from does not seem to take anything serious about how I need help with this horrible situation in trying to pull my life together as a human being. 

I do call the things, I have been through very tragic and terrible, due to the fact that even today I have to suffer in pain all over my body, due to not having good medical care today nor have I ever restored my ability to walk better in my life to get over this pain, because people from the medical field from some places never tried to help me more effectively to get me walking for my own good. I never considered my visits very relaxing and welcoming to some clinics i had visited, due to rude people who acted like I was bothering them when I had needed medical attention for myself and paid good money in not finding welcoming office staff. Money, I barely had was paid for this type of medical attention, but in my mind I have wondered if these people knew what it took for the poor souls like myself with no income to find money for these visits and when you do try to get medical attention they do not even try to help you with any of your medical problems. I have had creams given to me for rashes and not one of them has ever helped me to get through unbearable days with these problems when it took all the money I had left to my name to pay for these high priced medications and no results ever happened for me.

The same holds true when you have a foot condition never corrected for more than several years, due to the fact therapy clinics never tried to help me and charged  a lot of money for these type of visits for me to face and having to deal with rude, horrible conduct from the office staff.

What all these situations do come to I am trying to mention in my article has been that these situations has not been exactly pleasant nor enriching experiences for someone like me to face with no type of job for herself, but been suffering in pain to many problems, because there has not been any money for decent health care nor good therapy to get myself walking like a human being. I don’t believe many people have had to live in terrible old mobile home trailers that has been in need of work very badly and the fact has been an accident waiting to happen for someone in my situation, due to the bathrooms has  been to small for someone in my situation and the facilities has not been made for someone in my type of condition. I have fallen a few times and have become injured, due to the fact that this place I do live in has been old and very small. I have not found people to help me with this situation nor has anyone tried to understand the type of situations I have faced and how the needs for my having an income in my home would help me to overcome many of these terrible problems I have suffered to in my life.

I am saying that when someone had Sepsis like I had in 2014 and didn’t barely survive that type of infection, it does make many problems today when you need good medical attention and therapy for yourself there has not been any money to receive good medical attention for myself and I have suffered in pain very badly to this type of situation and I do not see things improving in my life.

What will it take for me to be able to improve my life to better situations when in fact I had been sick in the past to sepsis and now I am disabled, but need better living conditions and a much better place to live. I do not believe many employers in the town where I have came from have been very understanding to this situation for many years how I have been widowed since 2005 and have needed an income the day my husband had left this earth that year and not one person ever tried to help me with job placement when my home had two children who were teenagers in need of living necessities, like I did in my life.

Believe me, the same holds true today, but one of my children has done left to another place and has not spoken to me due to the stress of what unemployment has caused in our family in the past and how it had made me sick to Sepsis the stress of how I would had survived along with my kids for the next several years with our breadwinner deceased and we had no income to pay the living necessities, like today the same holds true with this situation it never changes and horrible for me to live like this in my life. 

I write this article in disbelief and frustration how people like me who has been in terrible health, my dealing with terrible, health problems has not been able to improve my life in many ways, due to not having an income nor health insurance to be able to cover any type of medical care for myself nor able to afford decent meals in my home. I do not have money to take care of my personal needs for myself and I am barely can walk  from room to the next without an device, because my foot was never corrected in the past and I am on the verge of having an accident in this small mobile home, because of the problems I have faced with the limitations in my life never having an income to be able to move to a better and safer place to live. The limitations never getting good medical and therapy care for myself in the past, like today has been my examples of what I am facing today with many problems not getting good medical attention to solve many of these problems and no money any longer to find anyone to help me in the medical field. I have found no one in the medical field who has really given a concern to my well-being in how I been living these type of problems in my life.

I am trying to tie the lose ends of my letter together in stating that no matter how any of these things had happen to me, there was always a factor in my life never having an income to be able to cover any of my health needs and living expenses, I have never felt that any of the problems I have faced has been exactly my fault nor should I been facing these terrible conditions in my life when I almost lost my life in the past to sepsis and I am not a person who has been healthy or exactly feeling that great for more than several years to be living through the problems of the stressful situations I have given in my article and I believe that something need to change for me very soon, because I do not believe other people would of been facing these type of problems in their lives if they had been in my shoes. They would of had more family,friends to helping them through many things, but perhaps an stable income and medical insurance for themselves, compared to me would of held true in their lives, compared to mine.

I honestly do not believe that I can keep living without an income another month, because I am not in good health to be facing these type of problems and there will be a time when I will need health insurance to be able to afford more tests, perhaps medical attention for any sicknesses I could have in the future, but there are limitations placed on me when in fact this has been the land of the free where we all have lived in the United States and I do not believe that people like myself should be restricted in what they can do in their lives,such as the needs for an income and to receive good medical attention and to be able to pay our debts each month and living necessities, because this is a dangerous way to live and I have been left to long in this situation and I do not face good things nor my life improving to better things for myself and this has been terrible what I have gone through. Thank you.