Early voting for Nov. 16 runoff

Published 6:00 pm Friday, November 1, 2019

American Press

If you are eligible to vote in the Saturday, Nov. 16, gubernatorial runoff election, you should consider taking advantage of voting early.

Early voting begins Saturday, Nov. 2, and continues through Saturday, Nov. 9, (except Sunday Nov. 3) from 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily, at your parish courthouse and other places that might be designated in your area.

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When you go to cast your vote early, you will be asked to identify yourself with either a photo ID or signature on a voter affidavit. You may use a driver’s license, a Louisiana special ID, LA Wallet digital driver’s license, or some other generally recognized picture ID that has your name and signature.

Early voting is a good way to conveniently cast your ballot and to make sure your voice is heard at the polls in this important election. This is for eligible voters, not just those who expect to be absent on Nov. 16.

Election day, Nov. 16, is on a Saturday, which is a busy day for most people and its easy to get involved in family activities, shopping and sports and forget about voting. Don’t let that happen to you in this important election.

Not only are we voting for our next governor, but also for runoffs in state and local races that weren’t decided on Oct. 12.

To cast an informed vote, before you go to the polls, go to the Louisiana Secretary of State’s web site at https://voterportal.sos.la.gov/ and view your own precinct ballot in advance.

You can easily find your precinct by putting in your first and last name, or by address or see the generic ballot for your parish as a whole.

The information contained on the site is encrypted and information considered private is not available on the web site.

Nor is the voter record linked to an address record and the address records are not linked to voters to further protect information about voters.

Also on the web site you can find the names, addresses, telephone numbers and party affiliation in candidates in the various races, both statewide and local. If you want to know more about a candidate before voting, you will have the contact information for the candidate.

Statewide, there are still many candidate races including the secretary of state, legislators, police jurors and others.

For a complete listing of early voting locations visit https://voterportal.sos.la.gov/EarlyVoting.

For more information about the Secretary of State’s Elections Division, go to www.geauxvote.com or call 225-922-0900.””

Early voting begins Saturday, Nov. 2, and continues through Saturday, Nov. 9, (except Sunday Nov. 3) from 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily.

Doris MaricleJefferson Davis Parish Reporter