A former Sepsis Patient in need of an income.

Published 1:57 am Tuesday, October 16, 2018

I have been a resident from Lake Charles for 56 years and have been trying my best to make a life for myself after a terrible infection had made me real sick in the past four years ago, it was Sepsis.

I have not been able to improve in many ways, because this infection had been a bad sickness that made me real ill and it caused me to become bedridden for a year with no ability to be able to do many things that I used to do could do  for myself. I had a hard time trying to leave the bed, due to terrible weakness and had to try and  manage to get into a wheel chair by my daughter.  I had problems trying to find a way from the bed into the wheel chair, because I was extreme;ly weak from the infection. I could not take a bath like I once could do, but even today it has been problems for me to go inside of my bath tub to even trying to leave it, because of my foot condition and needing more strength to be able to pull myself out with not much support from my feet with no good balance yet.  I have not been the best of many spirits living like this concerning this condition, because it has caused me problems with not being able to walk on my own two feet to go places and I have had to use a walker to go all places. I have not felt the best  using a walker, because of the embarrassment I had felt going around on this device, because I had always wanted to go back to my old life, using my own feet to walk with.

I have felt that with the situation I been going through it has been a bad time for me, because my life has not unfolded into good things, because I have not had a job in 5 years, since my last lay off from a medical supply store and my health has not improved having no job or medical insurance to be able to improve my life for the best. I have lived so long without an income I have not been able to afford hair cuts in 5 years and longer. I have not been able to buy good clothes or any shoes for myself, because of no money. I have not had regular dental care, because I have always been without money to be able to pay to see a dentist for a check up and cleaning. I was supposed to been seeing a dentist twice a year, but with my situation it has been hard to go to these visits, because of not having an income.

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I do not feel I have been treated the best in many situations, because a person like myself has done more staying locked inside her home day and night with no ability to acquire some kind of life, since I had been down in sickness and did recover, but it has not made it easy to have the things I been in need of concerning my personal life staying locked up inside my home with no income or ways to be able to afford the personal things for myself to even my car note to rent. I am like other people who has been in need of many things for herself, because quite frankly I have not found I have been treated in the best possible way, due to many circumstances that had happen to me concerning not having a job and trying to put my life together after an sickness from four years ago. I had felt that if perhaps, I would of had some kind of income, then I would of most probably gotten better some time ago, because the problems with my health needs has been lingering, because of not having the income needed to pay for medical things for myself.

In my opinion, there is someone above us and we all do believe in God, but when someone has been oppressed like I had been when my husband had died in 2005 and I never could ever get on my feet with a job after he had died, I do not feel this was exactly morally right in how I had been treated, because everyone is supposed to be able to support themselves no matter who that person could be and with the way my health had suffered in the past,  I am still in need of things for myself to needing a job, I was hoping someone in this town could please help me return to work in an office job and I do need someone’s help to placing me on a job, because this is not good how I been living without a job for more than several years now and this is not morally right, because I do need an income to be able to pay many expenses and my personal things for myself. Thank you Roxane Benoit