The Problems with the Lake Charles Businesses and the People;

Published 3:17 am Monday, October 8, 2018

I am writing my situations and opinions concerning the people in the town of Lake Charles and the local businesses that I have came in contact with in order to do my necessary things for myself. I wanted to make my points heard about this town of Lake Charles, because I have been a life time resident from this town, but I have not in the least been shown any kind of respect by most of the people from this location and I have not personally been treated too well, but more like an animal.  I have never felt that I have been treated to good like a human being in many cases when it has came to my life, because people have not treated me that good. I have tried to visit local places to find that either I have been spoken down to like some dog or treated terribly to see me put in my place.

I have visited a local place to eat to go to a local drive thru in this town, but they have not been to respecttful to me as a customer, because they had some wrong behavior involved in how they have not treated me with lack of respect towards me or my daughter most times, concerning us, both. I have felt like we have been treated worse than animals being put in our place by these people who have worked at most of the businesses in this town and i do mean this to anyone I have had problems with in the past to even  weeks ago. I have even tried to go to professional places in order to receive help for my condition for job placement known as one of the businesses who was supposed to help people like me in my condition who had been disabled, but they never had helped me with job placement in the least. I had received a phone call from one of the people who had worked for the office and he had raised his voice to me like I was some kind of animal, because I had some missed appointments, because I could not make these visits, because of my disability and past sickness I had those days, it was hard for me to leave my home,  because of weakness throughout my body and the heat had made  it worse in health on me, to the point I had felt I would black out in the hot sun.

I do not believe the businesses in this town have understood how it has been for someone like to me leave her home and try to use all of her mental power and strength to try and go through many hard situations to try and make visits in the hot sun and humidity outside to not receiving any kind of help from many places I had appointments with in this town. I have had problems with just trying to go to a fast food place and had to sit at at a drive thru to see other people getting waited on much faster than I was provided, but the local restaurants do not understand there has been people like me with health problems that if we became too hot we could have a stroke, due to our medical past conditions that has inflicted us today.They do not understand it has not been easy to sit inside of a hot car with the sun bearing down on you on the passenger side with no air conditioning, because you do not have enough money to keep the car running all afternoon in the parking lot to seeing your gas go away in your tank and worried how you will make it to your home.  Your checking account has always been to zero dollars, because Lake Charles always had an a problem leaving the people like me without an income and how inhumane I have been treated so badly by this town.  

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 I have been older with at least some college education, but some past medical problems to even today with a diability that never got corrected, because of constantly staying jobless in this town. I do have a college education that my husband had wanted me to acquire when I had attended school on student loans that have become maxed out, due to not being able to pay them because I have never had a job to be able to cover the costs of those loans each month. I never had a job even in my conditon today to see my life going to better results, but doing without things, because of this town and their terrible actions they have put me through in not allowing me to leave my home to work a job in order to fix my disability to other medical problems in my life now.

I have not received good therapy in my wildest dreams concerning Lake Charles, because most of it was not based on helping a poor soul like myself for the older lady I had been it was about how we could do her in, because we do not like the looks of her and she does not need our help, because we do not need to give her medical treatment like other people. It is alright to take her freedom from her to not walk at a local park or go inside  of a local restaurant on two feet, because it is has not been important for her to see people with any kind of self-respect and have some people just stare at her like she has been some side freak circus show in these places. I have not been to one therapy place in this town who has ever treated me with any respect or felt bad for me in my situation to help me gain some kind of independence for myself, because to them it made me wonder if it was not more of a control problem like I had faced at a local restaurant today to sit inside of a hot car in a drive thru, because the cashier didn’t want to move the line fast enough to get people away from the hot sun, but the heat was beating down on me and made me real sick when I had came home, because of feeling this way and tired. I do not believe in itself that  over half of the people in this town have been the best to me even older than myself or my own age group to the youngest people ever, because the town has been consisted of those who has not given a care about the next person.

I do not know how these people have raised their own children to make the future for other people and themselves, but from what I have seen , there is much work to do to improve the morals and ethics of most of these people, because honestly I have seen nothing, but selfish acting people in my own surrondings who have known me all my life and now you see this with other people who are perfect strangers, because they have not given a care about you in the least. I do not believe this town will be a good place for future generations, because of nothing but most selfish people in this town that has came from this town and putting their selfishness on people like me who had suffered terribly from a bad infection in her past, but they do not understand as someone who had suffered from a bad infection with no job or medical insurance even today, if this infection does reoccur again, then I will not survive this time, because i am generally still weak today and cannot go througb much more problems again from other people.  My health has suffered really bad in the past and I could die if this does not stop how some people have treated me like today. I have not been treated to well in the past by therapists to some medical clinics in this town and I have not been treated exactly what you can say like a human being.

I really do not know what this town holds for future generations, but with the way people have treated me who were supposed to been close to me all my life and even to strangers from the streets, I do not know what my future holds for me any longer, because honestly I am not treated all that good and have faced my forms of neglect in many ways I have told people in this letter how some of the people in Lake Charles have not treated me to humanely. I do not know what the future holds for the morals and actions of the people today, but god I hate to see what the future generations will become  if people do not change their attitudes in how to treat other people like me with respect. thank you. roxane benoit