Photos found in tower rubble returned intact to family

Published 10:51 am Wednesday, September 18, 2024

It’s hard to believe, but true.

After Hurricanes Laura and Delta in 2020 heavily damaged the Hertz-owned lakefront tower and it was reduced to rubble on Sept. 7, at least two intact photos were discovered at the site and posted on social media for identification.

Both belonged to Cindy Guillory, who worked in the State Farm office on the 12th floor for 20 years. She saw the photographs found by two different people at different times. They were photos of her children.

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“I had beaucoup photos in my office, probably 10 to 20,” she said, “some on my desk and some in my desk drawer. A person walking near the area saw a picture sticking out of the debris and posted it on Facebook, second picture, same thing.”

The first photo was of her son Tyler who was 8 years old at the time, and daughter Macey, age 3. They are 28 and 23 now.

The second photo was of her son.

After the hurricanes, Guillory and other tower tenants were not allowed to go back into the building for safety reasons. She said the 12th floor was hit hard.

“Whenever they reached out to me about the photo, I became emotional that this actually survived,” she said. “My husband Randy was shocked.”

“Did your mom just keep all of your pictures in her office,” a friend asked her son after he found out about the discovery.

She said she doesn’t keep all of them there, but the photos did bring up some great memories.

“When my daughter turned 16, we were actually able to set up her Sweet 16 party in the deli that was in the tower,” Guillory said. “Her after-prom party was in that deli. I was sad to see the tower come down, but I am looking forward to the future, to see what’s going to be new in that area.”