Landry may send National Guard to assist with border crisis

Published 5:55 pm Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Louisiana Gov. Jeff Landry is exploring options that could lead to sending Louisiana National Guard soldiers to assist Texas with border control.

On Sunday, Landry and 12 other Republican governors joined Texas Gov. Greg Abbott at Eagle Pass, Texas, for a briefing and news conference.

“What we saw and learned today makes one thing very clear: the Biden administration has completely abdicated its responsibility to enforce the immigration laws on the books. Our open border allows drugs and human trafficking to flow into our communities, putting our entire country at risk,” Landry said.

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U.S. Sen. Bill Cassidy said on Wednesday that he recently visited Laredo, Texas, which is also a border town.

“When you see the bullets some people are carrying across the border, indicative of members of a cartel or otherwise dangerous to the American people, Texans who are on the frontline recognize something has to be done,” he said. “We have to control the border, we have to stop the flow of Fentynal into this country. That’s the challenge before us.”

Cassidy said he would not be voting in favor of a bi-partisan combination border/foreign aid package because he hasn’t seen the final legislation.

“Even the author of the border provision, who stands by the good policy, admits it requires more time to be discussed, understood and modified plans to vote against it.”

The $118 billion bipartisan border deal would change immigration law, he said. Rejecting the provision is said to be the result of playing politics.

In reference to Landry’s announcement about helping Texas defend its border, Cassidy said he thinks that money could go to better roads, bridges and schools in Louisiana, and noted the state’s announcement of a $64 million deficit.

Several online articles referencing the Eagle Pass gathering quoted Sen. Henry Cameron (R-New Orleans). He said the endeavor would cost the state an estimated $3 million.