Meet the candidates: Calcasieu Parish Police Jury District 3

Published 11:57 am Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Editor’s note: The American Press asked Calcasieu Parish Police Jury candidates to answer the same two-part question to help voters in their districts make up their minds on Saturday, Oct. 14. The following article includes the response from seven of the 14 candidates, in the order listed on the website. The next printed edition of the paper will have the responses from the remaining seven candidates.

Here’s how they answered the question, “If you are limited to accomplishing only one goal if you are elected to office, what is the one thing you would like to accomplish, and how would you do it?”

Eddie Lewis

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My primary focus revolves around efficient development to restore and enhance our community. This calls for strategic initiatives that improve both infrastructure and overall well-being. This entails meticulous planning, addressing immediate needs, and fostering a resilient future. By concentrating on targeted infrastructure enhancements and well-designed development, we can rebuild, revitalize, and propel our community forward. This emphasis requires a multifaceted approach:

Comprehensive Planning: Collaborating with experts, urban planners, and community members to create a roadmap for targeted development and infrastructure enhancement. Community Involvement: Engaging with residents, businesses, and stakeholders to align projects with community needs and aspirations. Resource Allocation: Prioritizing impactful and feasible projects, leveraging government funding and partnerships for responsible resource use. Sustainable Development: Prioritizing eco-friendly infrastructure and innovative designs that ensure a greener, more resilient future. Transparency and Adaptability: Keeping the community informed, and adapting strategies based on feedback and unforeseen challenges. Measured Impact: Evaluating project success against benchmarks, adjusting strategies if necessary. Collaborative Partnerships: Collaborating with neighboring communities, organizations, and authorities to enhance execution capabilities. Continuous Learning: Staying updated on trends and best practices in infrastructure and development. Long-Term Vision: Focusing on lasting results that shape our community’s growth, prosperity, and revitalization for years to come. This holistic approach combines community engagement, strategic planning, responsible resource management, and a dedication to long-term success. Together, we will achieve efficient development and restore our community to its full potential. Let’s build a community we can all take pride in.

Shelly Mayo           

Tackling the drainage problem would be the one thing I would want to accomplish if I could only accomplish one thing. I had an opportunity to speak with many people throughout the community.  Besides drainage, housing is also a problem.  The first thing on my agenda is to work hand and hand with the Mayor and City Council until we find a solution for this  problem.