Tax votes scheduled in two Calcasieu waterworks districts

Published 8:27 am Monday, June 26, 2023

Residents in certain parts of the parish will vote yay or nay on a tax renewal Nov. 18. More homes were slated for condemnation. One resident received a 30-day reprieve.

And parish workers will get two days off for Independence Day as July 3 was declared a parish holiday at Thursday’s Calcasieu Parish Police Jury meeting.

A resolution was adopted approving a call by two Waterworks Districts: No. Seven of Wards Four and Six (south of DeQuincy), and District No. Eight of Wards Three and Eight (LeBleu Settlement) to renew, levy and collect an ad valorem property tax of 6 mills and 6.24 mills, respectively, for ten years beginning on Jan. 1, 2025.

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Owners of 20 structures will receive notice of condemnation of houses. Properties are located in Moss Bluff, Lake Charles (Ward Three), Lake Charles (Ward 8), DeQuincy, Starks Vinton and Westlake.

One property owner, despite coming in late and with the motion and second already made for condemnation, was able to get 30 more days to get his plans for rebuilding an accessory building to the Planning and Development Department.

The owner said he had torn down the portion of the structure – a place for his tractor, chickens and feed – deemed unsafe by parish inspectors. He wanted to add to the portion of the structure left standing but could not do so without the proper submittal of a plan and the permit to proceed with the plan.

Two properties were purchased with FEMA Hazard Mitigation Grant Program funding, 2601 Prienwood Drive in lake Charles for the appraised value of $180,000 and 5742 alder St. Lake Charles for the appraised value of $320,000. Acquisition of hazard prone homes and businesses enable owners to relocate to safer areas.