Cara Bushnell, secretary of Reed-Riley Smith and Son's Funeral Home, prepares to sing the National Anthem during the Kinder Cemetery Association's 27th annual Memorial Day ceremony and Avenue of Flags at Kinder Bible Church.
Scott LaFleur, a member of the Kinder Cemetery Association, welcomes those attending the Kinder Cemetery Association's 27th annual Memorial Day ceremony and Avenue of Flags at Kinder Bible Church.
Lawrence Rasberry, chaplain for the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 12203, delivers the invocation during the Kinder Cemetery Association's 27th annual Memorial Day ceremony and Avenue of Flags at Kinder Bible Church.
Gene LaFleur, vice president of the Kinder Cemetery Association, reads the names of local deceased veterans during the Kinder Cemetery Association's 27th annual Memorial Day ceremony and Avenue of Flags at Kinder Bible Church.
Kinder Cemetery Association board member Gerald Romero tolls the bell during a roll call of local deceased veterans during the Kinder Cemetery Association's 27th annual Memorial Day ceremony and Avenue of Flags at Kinder Bible Church.
Eric Kuyper, commissioner of the Louisiana Department of Veterans' Affairs and Kinder Cemetery Association board member, delivers the Memorial Day address during the Kinder Cemetery Association's 27th annual Memorial Day ceremony and Avenue of Flags at Kinder Bible Church.
Diego Wade, a senior at Kinder High School, plays "Taps" during the Kinder Cemetery Association's 27th annual Memorial Day ceremony and Avenue of Flags at Kinder Bible Church. The ceremony was held in memory of the honored dead.
Members of the Southwest Louisiana Chapter 215, Vietnam Veterans of America conduct a gun-salute to honor deceased veterans during the Kinder Cemetery Association's 27th annual Memorial Day ceremony and Avenue of Flags at Kinder Bible Church. Casket flags from local deceased veterans were on display at the Kinder McRill Memorial Cemetery.
Honor Guard Richard Morgan, Jerry Nevils Sr. and Pepper Manuel of the Southwest Louisiana Chapter 215, Vietnam Veterans of America prepare to present a patriotic wreath during the Kinder Cemetery Association's 27th annual Memorial Day ceremony and Avenue of Flags at Kinder Bible Church. The patriotic wreath and fresh flowers were placed on a symbolic grave honoring deceased veterans.