Secretary of State looking into local voting issues

Published 10:39 am Wednesday, May 3, 2023

The Louisiana Secretary of State’s Office confirmed Tuesday that it is reviewing possible voter registration irregularities in the town of Elton.

John Tobler, a spokesman for the Secretary of State’s Office, said the matter is in the early stage of review by the Elections Compliance Unit. The unit is charged with investigation and reporting of matters involving violations of the Louisiana election codes.

“The registrar of voters has already taken steps with regard to some of the questions raised and will continue her review and will coordinate with our Elections Compliance Unit,” Tobler told the American Press.

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Any findings will be turned over to the Jeff Davis Parish District Attorney’s Office for further review. If the District Attorney’s Office recuses itself because of possible conflicts of interest, the matter would be referred to the State Attorney General’s Office.

The complaint was initiated by Roderick Williams, who owns property in Elton and has family in the area. Williams is not registered to vote in Jeff Davis Parish.

“After several complaints from town residents, I looked into it because my great aunt was the late mayor Avella Ackless and my mother was born, raised and graduated in Elton and I am a property owner in Elton, so I take pride in the town,” Williams said. “After hearing several complaints from people throughout the town, I decided to look into it.”

After receiving a list of registered voters for Elton from the Registrar of Voters Office, Williams said he noticed a number of inconsistencies, including some people he says should not have voted in the last elections.

“I don’t want to damage anyone’s character, but the proof is in the paperwork,” Williams said. “You’ve got people that are registered in the town elections that have homesteads in other parishes and then you have elected officials that have properties that they allow family and friends from out-of-town come into town, register to vote at those rental properties and after the elections they leave town and go back home.”

Williams said he feels his complaint is being taken seriously and the matter is moving in the right direction.

“I want my family in Elton to feel their vote is being taken seriously and that the right officials are in office based on honest elections,” Williams said. “Right is right and wrong is wrong and I am big on being fair and honest with the people.”

Registrar of Voters Joann Blair said she has reviewed a list of voters and has taken necessary steps to follow the state’s election codes.

“If an issue arises, I am going to take the necessary steps to get the situation corrected,” Blair said.

About 15 challenge letters have been sent to registered voters in Elton this week. Those voters have issues with their registration that need to be addressed, Blair said.

Address confirmation cards have also been sent to voters with questionable addresses, she said.

Many of the notifications were sent to what appear to be vacant lots or homes which appear are no longer livable, she said.

Those receiving a challenge letter will have 21 days to prove they live at the address which appears on their voter registration. Those who do not comply within the 21 days will be automatically canceled in the system, she said.

Challenge letters have been sent in the past due to problems with voter registration, she said.