Hathaway High School graduate Carson Turgeon reprised his role of Dr. Seuss along with Emma Sparks on Monday during a performance of "The Wonderful World of Dr. Seuss" at Hathaway High School. Members of the school's Library Club performed various skits based on Dr. Seuss' most popular children's books for elementary students.
Kaitlyn Thomas, Addison Dartex, Ella Bourque and Brayden Trahan recreate a scene from Dr. Seuss' "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" on Monday during performances of the late author's most noted children's novels at Hathaway High School. Children also enjoyed Dr. Seuss-themed games and activities following the performance.
Addison Breaux, Angel Anderson and Alicia Miller recreate characters from Dr. Seuss' "Green Eggs and Ham" children's book on Monday during a performance at Hathaway High School. Members of the school's Library Club introduced an array of characters from the famed author's most popular book to elementary students as part of their performance of "The Wonderful World of Dr. Seuss."
Aaron Slaymaker, Gabi Henry and Avery Thibodeaux perform a scene from Dr. Seuss' "Horton Hears A Who" on Monday during a performance of "The Wonderful World of Dr. Seuss" at Hathaway High School. The performance was presented by members of the school's Library Club to inspire a love of reading among younger students.
Members of the Library Club at Hathaway HIgh School performed skits from Dr. Seuss children's books on Monday as part of the celebration of the famous author's birthday. Elementary students were treated to Dr. Seuss themed games and activities following the performance.
Members of the Hathaway High School's Library Club recreate characters from Dr. Seuss' Lorax book Monday during a performance of "The Wonderful World of Dr. Seuss." The performance featured a parade of characters from the famous author's most loved children's books.
First grade students at Hathaway High School sing Happy Birthday and eat cupcakes to celebrate Dr. Seuss' birthday. Members of the school's Library Club presented skits in "The Wonderful World of Dr. Seuss" for elementary students on Monday as part of the famed author's birthday celebration, which also featured games and activities based on his books.
Mylie Heinen and Aida Owen portray Sneetches along with Carson Turgeon who reprised his role as Dr. Seuss during Mondays performance of "The Wonderful World of Dr. Seuss" at Hathaway High School. Members of the school's Library Club recreated some of the author's most famous children's stories as they encouraged younger students to read.
Ellie LeBlanc, Madison Suire, Kaitlyn Sawyer, Gracee Lavergne and Madison Mott, members of the Hathaway High School Library Club, dress as characters from Dr. Seuss' 1960 children's book "One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish" during a performance Monday at the school. Club members dressed the part to act out scenes from various Dr. Seuss books to celebrate the author's birthday and encourage elementary students to read.