Calcasieu Sheriff’s deputy fired for child porn possession

Published 11:09 am Wednesday, October 26, 2022

The Louisiana Attorney General’s Office has arrested Calcasieu Parish Sheriff’s Office Deputy Arthur Deville for 200 counts of possession of child pornography.

Deville worked in Airport Security and had been with the department for about 17 years before being terminated today.

“I am very disturbed by this incident,” said Sheriff Tony Mancuso.  “I am also angry and embarrassed for our profession, and very sorry for the victims.  When I was made aware of the allegations, we learned Deville was willing to participate in questioning with investigators and we assisted in making arrangements for him to speak with detectives.  Criminal activity will never be tolerated in our department and I will continue to hold deputies accountable for their actions.” 

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The Louisiana Attorney General’s Office is the investigating agency with the U.S. Homeland Security assisting in the investigation.  Deville’s bond has been set at $800,000.