How silence destroys an person

Published 12:51 am Friday, November 27, 2020

Whether, someone would like to read my article about how silence has been an big factor in the life of an individual, like myself then I would like to please post my thoughts on this subject and how it has created an life of many concerns for me and my daughter. I was hoping that my article could of been published to the American Press Newspaper, because there has been somethings I wanted to give at least my opinions on, concerning many problems that arisen in my life, like my daughter.

Though, I do mention somethings about our situation, I do agree the problems we been having has affected us both the same in some ways, but not exactly all the time for us both.. I know on Thanksgiving we are supposed to be blessed for many things, but for us both I have felt that situations  could of been much better for us in life, because we have went through many problems.

To give many things affecting us today, let me be the first to admit that I have experienced very bad situations, but nothing improves for me.. You know the term if someone is down on their luck they cannot be kicked no further? In our lives we have faced many different problems.

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It has appeared to me if I or my daughter had needed help from someone then I found we could not rely on them, because they were never supportive to us in many ways, honestly and we have been down on our lucks for an very long time. You simply could not find assistance, because there would be many conflicts involved in just asking for help.

I mean to say that as long as I have lived in this town Lake Charles, I never could find anyone to help me through very bad things in my own life, like my daughter, but her and I came with different problems, but almost similar situations, because I felt these things were thrown our direction in life when my husband had died in 2005 from liver failure at 44 years old and he had been the breadwinner of the home, but after his death we had suffered many ways, plus trying to find an income for the home. 

Even at that time, I never could find an job or someone willing to hire me for employment for several years and if I told the situation I needed employment, because my husband had died it never seemed to shake someone to reality how serious this situation could be for us.

Though, I have almost lost my life to sickness in my past it has been impossible for me to had gotten my full capacity to ever walk again, because I never got the best medical care and they didn’t try to help me. I was not blessed with money for health care nor therapy, but the same continues today with my non ability to walk and not being able to find decent medical care for this problem from several years ago, in my life to be able to get walking and my having to deal with horrible and rude medical care in my life who never tried to listen to me about my medical problems.

I don’t have choices like other people from this country to get decent medical care like probably other people with good medical insurance and  decent income, but for me I have felt that along my course of life if I tried to better my life in some ways then I had someone knocking me down through my course on things. I’m the one suffering today from all these problems and nothings is getting better for me, but much worse for me in my life.  I have never seen so many limitations placed on my life than what an young child never had to deal with in his or her own lives, but for me I am adult, but I don’t get much respect in my life and I don’t know what my future holds for me.