How an illness destroys one’s life

Published 4:54 am Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Through many challenges an individual like me has faced in her life from not having the best medical care the last few years and finding my health dropping again to other illnesses and having to live in pain through the duration of these problems that has been endless for me, I have not had the ability to gain many independent choices in my life to be able to live and be happy like many people, because I have felt the people I have seen cross my path in life has not really helped me through many bad situations.

I have not been in good health as an widowed lady with medical issues including failing kidneys and as long as I have lived I had bladder infections, until one day around 8 years ago, I nearly lost my life to Sepsis an very bad bladder infection that was treated at an local hospital, caused me death in an short time, until I was revived.

My main point has been that me and my daughter have faced many issues with living below-poverty having to live in an older mobile home trailer that was damaged by the last hurricane and we had to go through problems with water that flooded our place with carpet and the hurricane destroying all sides of my home with hardly an back door sealed with wood to keep safe from whatever on this planet with hardly any good locks on any of our doors to our home for years and this trailer never leveled for centuries it has felt like. I have not wanted to continue to stay here, because I felt this place to be an hazard to our lives with no heater now operating in our home, but me and my daughter have been freezing extremely badly to the point we are sick now.

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I have been on an walker for several years waiting for many years to get walking again, but with the way I been badly poor with no money for many important necessities that has been based on human survival and medical care for myself it has been terrible what me and my oldest child have faced in this world, even though we have an family while my daughter had been raised as the oldest and my son the youngest, not really here any longer for me and my daughter as family, losing my husband to liver failure, due to many years of drinking and he died at the age off 44 years old when me and my children were not done with college and high school, believe me we had to tackle the rough side of life from someone’s death for many years.

Even though some people might think me and my daughter been having the grand time in life the problems has existed which I do not have an income to be able to purchase important things in my life to be able to have an decent car to drive along with an better place to live, because of things breaking inside of this 2005 mobile home trailer. I need transportation to be able to get medical attention and my needs to restore some type of independence for myself. I have no heater and been freezing, due to the facts of never having an income for myself for more than several years and the feelings of the insecure thoughts of what could happen in the future with me and my daughter’s lives if these living conditions are not improving for the both of us very soon.

I am laying the foundation of our problems to the article to let people know there are human beings like us who will die if people do not try and help us with jobs and at least better conditions. I see an small income for my daughter with an job for home, but that has not been enough income for two grown women to live on quite honestly. We are adults who need our own jobs, but I have health problems that has gotten worse the last few years, because I didn’t have an income for myself nor anything  through the years to get the required medical care and living necessities for my own needs.

I do not believe I have been treated all that great by many people and they have had no understanding what has happen to me, but the moral of this story how many people would leave their loved ones  to fight with extreme cold temperatures in an old mobile home when that person had severe health problems from failing kidneys, bladder infections and problems with getting sick from the flu very easily, due to an weaken immune system and no ability to walk like other people, I do not know how much more my daughter can withstand like me bathing in an cold mobile home with damages from hurricanes and no ability to find someone to fix this place.

You know if people cannot treat those less unfortunate an bit nicer and try to help the next person falling in life like us two ladies, believe me what will your future hold for your children and grandchildren if people do not try to help those less unfortunate than the next person. Quite honestly, I have not gotten excellent treatment from the medical and therapy fields how they have left me with painful medical issues and I have been suffering an great deal to a lot more pain through my body, due to no good sound medical care, but all I have received has been judgmental views by the medical field with no help for my health concerns and I have been like this for more than several years. Let me see how much of an lifespan I could have now from all the suffering I have been through in my life along with below-poverty conditions, plus terrible suffering living situations in my life.

I do believe that our maker put us all on this earth to be an equal individual like the next person, because quite frankly no one is better than the next person, but to leave two ladies with health conditions in an terrible mobile home trailer with no heater and our fighting to simply have water by the trailer park for our human necessities has made me wonder how much people like me and daughter have to face from horrible living conditions in our lives while other people with incomes could afford the nice comfortable homes compared to us.

Perhaps, in your future you might want to pray that your children and grandchildren do not face the conditions we have gone through, because if people cannot help us to better things in our lives then what makes people not think that Karma cannot help the next person and it has happen, because I have seen not good things happen to people who took advantage of the kind and nicest people alive on this planet and did face many terrible things in their lives. This world is consisted of our Lord our Maker, though I do believe he would not like the sick and weaken suffering through many things along with their own child, especially when I have been widowed with my daughter who lost her dad some years ago, because she has suffered through terrible things in her life like me.