To protect one’s life, it comes with an price

Published 7:35 pm Tuesday, August 25, 2020

I am giving my experiences on many things that has happen with me and my daughter the last several years in Lake Charles, Louisiana concerning the high unemployment that has seemed to persist for many years. I have lived in this town for many years, plus was born and raised from here all my life to the point that it has been nothing, but subjects of negative things that has happen to me and my daughter, through many bad experiences. I had noticed especially after my husband’s death some years, before while he had been alive that while we tried to live in this town we faced nothing, but many dead end roads with never finding jobs in this town to sitting without money and not being able to pay living necessities in our lives.

If someone does not feel that when you have lived here through the years facing the crisis of unemployment on an continuous basis never affected the health of two people and destroyed the family from the stress, it did it to my health and husband’s  an hundred percent through many problems.

Alright my main point has been the hardships you do face to be able to live in this town when you need money to pay your bills each month and you have to count change throughout your home from under furniture to the vents possibly in the floors to see if something might look like money for you to use to pay  gas for your car to even an loaf of bread. I’ve seen my electrical power shut off, due to no money to pay the light bill for the month and had no air conditioner to even running water in my home and I was someone who was in poor health, but all week me and my daughter kept looking for pawn shops to sell our things to, because we had heard about hurricane mandatory evacuations.

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Alright, how does this boil down to the terrible living conditions, concerning someone like me with bad health problems concerning  failing kidneys who has been suffering from hard and difficult things in her life for someone like me to barely get the required help needed to maintain my health needs, due to no health insurance and decent therapy to simply walk like an human being, it has made it very difficult on me through terrible experiences in my life.

I do not have the best health care to function as an human being and the last time I have looked like a real person who ever walked on her two feet, due to an disability with my foot condition when I was bedridden in 2014 from Sepsis was months before, I was sick that year and it really made it hard on me through the last several years to bounce back to my old life in who I once had been  like an normal person who had the ability to walk,  but, due to terrible medical care and therapy that was given to me through places I had tried to receive help from,  no one tried to ever help me for years, but my subject has been about how much does an individual like me have to keep falling through the cracks of time. until my health does affect me one day, because I never got the best medical care, due to many limitations in my life and it has been due to how someone like me has lived below-poverty for years, due to no income with no room for better advancements in my life. I do hope things change for me very soon and of course for my daughter, because I do not know what our future holds for us any longer in living these terrible circumstances.