The problems that has remained with one local resident

Published 2:58 am Sunday, May 3, 2020

i have been through many situations in my life that I have not had any help for an very long time with my situation and I have been very upset with how I have been treated by various people I had tried to find assistance from, but they didn’t seem interested in helping me.

It has gotten to the point how I have lived in my personal life has been terrible for me, because for one thing I have not received good quality medical and therapy care in Lake Charles, Louisiana, because the medical and therapy clinics never helped me to gain my ability to walk again and left me no ability to walk like other people, but this has been an potential risk for an accident to occur with me, but it has not seemed to have phased the medical care workers to help me better than this concerning my life.

I have had to stay with terrible pain in my teeth and gums, because for the longest time I had no money to afford to take care of my teeth and this has been the worst thing ever in my life,but to find anyone to help me from family has not been in the subject, because they had their own lives and to say I had any friends never happened for me through the years, because they moved on to better things for themselves.

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To stay consistently in my home with no life, because the employers never tried to hire me for an job for an very long time has taken an toll on my personal health to the point I am not able to walk like other people and not one therapy clinic ever tried to help me. Even though, I have had to live like this with an disability these people do not understand the risks involved in my having an serious accident in my bathroom and going down ill very badly to other sicknesses,

I had always heard in the medical field that the patient needed to keep their independence, but for me it was never that easy for me, because no one treated me with any respect to help me walk again from the medical field.

These are the type of limitations I have faced in my life through many problems, because no one ever tried to help me, but then again if I would of had an job with medical and dental health coverage, I do not believe I would face all of these problems today in my life.

The seriousness of this situation has been very dangerous to my life, because I am not getting the best help for my situation and I am at risk for many serious things in happening to me. I have never been through such terrible things in my life like than what has happen to me from my past, until today. I do not see any improvements in my life, not even at the present moment.