The Cornovirus is everyone’s nightmare

Published 4:33 am Tuesday, April 7, 2020

I have always tried to stay informed with the local news and around the world, I have tried to stay on top of the events happening with many people who have been having many bad times with the Cornovirus, but it has been very hard to make any sense of the disasters involved with this horrible infection and why there has been different parts of the world contracting this terrible virus, but there has been cases rising and causing people to die terribly.

I write this letter, because I personally do not know what is wrong with the world today with many people contacting this horrible infection and not being able to recover from it. Perhaps, the people who have been sick with illnesses in her past with kidneys not working very good any longer does need to stay away from this horrible infection, but my biggest concern has been that I was supposed to had my kidneys evaluated an local charity hospital, but I  have been in question what will happen to me with this deadly infection, perhaps could be in the air when I have needed medical care myself, but it has been very hard for me to go to a place with this known virus taking over the world and  I have needed medical tests from  the same hospital that has been testing for the Cornovirus, but I have not been thrilled about this in my life and I’ve had some medical professionals want me to have the tests done, but I feel as long as I know this infection is traveling around at different places, I cannot risk my life or my daughter’s life neither to an dangerous infection. My kidneys have been working at almost half percentages, but I was told I could wait for an few more months, but the same hospital does the tests on this Cornovirus and it has not thrilled me to death to walk in medical facility risking my life and daughter’s life chances in catching this infection.

I’m upset by the fact that even today I have never gotten my walking ability back through the last several years and I have been through horrible experiences in my life with past therapy clinics leaving me no ability to walk when I had paid them good prices for therapy, but no respect was shown to me in helping me to walk again with rude and arrogant acting people who had worked these clinics who were never really nice to me and I never understood why they had acted so hateful and disrespectful to me.

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I do not know what is wrong with the medical facilities and even therapy clinics, but they have really impressed me as people who never gave an concern about someone like me whether if my kidneys were going down the tubes or if I ever got my walking ability back or not. Then to my discovery about an month ago, I had lupus from one of my parents and this has been an painful problem in my life for me to walk worse than ever, but I am disabled, but been trying to pull through this terrible mess in my life.with this horrible disease hitting people around the world and causing people to die, I have never seen such terrible things in my life as I have seen this infection destroy many people on this planet. concerning the Cornavirus.

I personally do not know if this has been an wake up call from God, but I have personally felt that he has been trying to clean up this world for whatever reason, because to many people have suffered an great deal in their lives to many problems while other people never really lifted an hand to help the next soul in need in their own lives and it has been unfair what some people have had to go through in their lives, compared to other people.

I do hope things do change in the next few months, because this world is really not looking to bright from many disasters as what i have seen happen like most people.
