Disabled lady tells her issues about many limitations

Published 4:33 am Saturday, March 21, 2020

I like to give my situation to the local newspaper in Lake Charles about my situation and the terrible problems that has been taking place in my life, and my daughter who is older. I write about my situation and how the conflicts to be able to improve my life has been terrible for me and my daughter, has faced many terrible hardships in her life.

I don’t know what my circumstances could be for me in the next several years, but I have gone through many terrible problems in my life, but I have not seen anything improve for me through the last few years, in order for me to function like an human being, with no better results.

If I am permitted to give my experiences and feelings on things concerning my life and how it went into opposite directions than I had wanted it go, then I believe it would be a great investment of my time to say what I have faced through many roadblocks.

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First, if someone ever thought that, because a person had gotten medical and therapy care for themselves, perhaps they were happy with the results, but for me through the years I have suffered in pain in horrible ways not having the best overall medical care in my life, due to having to put my life on the back burner not having the best living conditions in my life to practically living unemployed in Lake Charles for more than several years and I had to deal with employers who never understood how serious my situation had been when my husband had died in 2005 and how there was never an stable income in the home from that time on in my life and no one in the medical field ever helping me through the years has really thrown me into an pack of wolves in my life.

I had to deal with the lasting problems from his death trying to get on my feet with an income for more than several years when the breadwinner had died in 2005. I had faced many years of spousal abuse and I had a hard tom to leave him, because of the problems having no job to my name, because employers would not blink an eye to help me at that time.

I guess having to go through many bad things I had to face in my life with an abusive husband and having to drive an older car that barely got me to places I had needed to go to with many miles on it, didn’t make me happy how my safety and personal needs were left on the back burner at that time.

Though, after his death and suffering to get a life for myself and an income even today and through many years, since 2005 I have not today seen any improvements for myself in how employers left me to sit inside of my home over the years with no way to support myself as a widowed female and I live today in poor health, due to the fact I really didn’t have better living conditions to my name.

Due, to the neglect I had faced without an income and no medical insurance, other health problems had came from the wood works that has not been an happy thing for me, because I had wanted to improve my life in new ways to be able to do things like other people with lives, but for me it has always been in my opinion about my life I have gotten has been the raw end of the deal with needed things I have been waiting for a very long for in my life.

I don’t believe suffering to kidneys that are barely functioning like most people who had healthy kidneys has made me delighted to go through this situation. I been in need of an kidney specialist and it has been hard for me to afford this type of medical care and the local charity hospital has been used for people to have tests ran for the Coronovirus.

I am barely running at any good percentages with my kidneys and it is not hardly even 50 percent functioning any longer. I do not walk good any longer, due to the terrible therapy I have received in my past and no decent medical care from any places for along time.

You know if I had to say my true opinions on my situation in how I have been treated so badly in my life, it seems that if you do not have an income, medical insurance and not with alot of money it seems like the medical field in any aspect of the word dealing with health needs will not treat you with any respect, as the possible next person who had better things in life than me.

A person like me with no money, nor better living conditions and dealing with horrible pain through my body and now I have lupus another new discovery with my health and no ability to even see an specialist for this, due to the capacity in how the local charity hospital has tested people for the Coronovirus has really made me wonder where I fall into the life on things for myself, until my health problems run me into my own grave, because someone like me has been deprived of safe, decent medical care.