Respect is an ancient meaning in today’s society

Published 7:17 pm Wednesday, January 15, 2020

I have been a resident from the town of Lake Charles for many years and I have been one of the original people who had family who came from this town, but through the years I have been noticing more people not accepting certain individuals in the community when that person has tried to function and live to be a human being in society in this town it was impossible to have a life here.

I have been one of the people who has not been accepted in the town in many ways, because I have noticed through the last several years the employers have not tried to work with me in my situation to gain an income for my home to pay my living means. I have had to do without many things in my personal life and I do not remember when I had a hair cut to even clothes for myself bought in the last several years. I have to try and pay my living necessities on barely any money each month, because there has not been an income in my home to pay my bills to keep me in my home almost, though I have found this type of terrible treatment done to someone in my type of condition who had suffered to medical problems has been very inhumane treatment and I am a former Sepsis patient, which has been a deadly infection known to have taken lives of many people. 

I am a lady who is is her mid fifties and had suffered to some bad health problems in 2014 and I had almost died from having Sepsis that year, but I could not afford the best medical care for myself, due to no income and I never could afford medical insurance. I had hardships that year and even beyond 2014, but more than several years from that time, which it had been very bad for me to be able to exist in this town with many problems I had to encounter with consistent unemployment problems and not being able to land a job, but none of the employers would help me to position with their company.

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I have had problems to look like a human being again or feel like one, because of the terrible problems I have had to face in my life not being able to do things for myself I once used could do, because I have faced many neglectful situations in my life not having any type of good treatment  from other people when i have tried to search for assistance with my situation. I have never been able to acquire the life I had in the past nor gain any new improvements in the town of Lake Charles to even feel like an independent adult to ever walk on my two feet again and how terrible.  The problems has existed where most people have overlooked me when I have needed help to a job and I have not been considered for any type of employment outside my home for many years and have I have been left locked inside of my home with no ability to walk to support myself.  I face these type of horrible problems with no  income in order to pay my living means and i had suffered to bad health problems in my past. I cannot even get a decent dental appointment to fix my teeth or have them cleaned, due to the neglect I have had to face for many years living without an income.  I have never seen other people treated this way in this town compared to what I have faced in this town from the neglectful treatment I had suffered, through the years from and some people have not treated me very good.

Whether the the medical to therapy field I have went to for medical assistance was something I had needed badly, I have not gotten any good health services for myself in more than several years and the last time I could say I had seen my life almost normal as an human being was in 2013 which I was somewhat healthy and walking, until I had gotten sick in 2014 from an Sepsis Infection, due to the fact the stress of losing my job the year before to unemployment almost took my life and even at that time I could not have the best medical attention, due to no money for medical care nor health insurance.Even the medical care places didn’t treat me all that good as a patient and had no respect me for as a human being nor ever helped me gain my ability to walk good in my life again as a human being.

Even today, through many problems I have faced from the past, I do not look like a normal person, compared to most people in this town, due to the fact I have fallen to many problems to not walking for my own good and have been sick to other problems that has dreadfully took a toll on my life and some people have made fun of me in the public with how I have lost my self-respect to never walking again and the labels to make fun of me has destroyed my reputation with alot of people who have lived in this town and who have made hiring decisions for jobs, concerning my livelihood and have not given a care if I had an income or not. I hope you would consider this fact you know the way I have been treated very badly might determine the next person’s future in this town and the lives of their family, so honestly I feel something needs to be done to help people like me to a job and the needed things for my life in order to survive like other people.