Holidays is not for many people

Published 1:01 am Friday, December 27, 2019

To the Informer;

I am writing to your news article and I have many things to state with you, concerning many problems I have faced with no new beginnings in my life, since I had been sick in the past to a deadly infection called Sepsis. I had a hard time to find ways to improve my life, through many hardships and no income to be able to cover any medical care for myself and I have been facing a hard time in my life to no income and facing hardships to be able to find a medical doctor willing to help me, due to the fact these medical places wanted only medical insurance.

I am writing how most people could afford to get the medical attention for themselves while there has been people like me who has had to suffer in terrible pain, due to the fact sitting without an income for a very long time did damages to my health and livelihood. I am making the fact known that I do not know what is wrong with society in general with people who have seen my resume and application many times, but turned me down for a job and I was the applicant on the other side hoping someone would let me have a job to earn an income in my home while I had to sit in suffer in terrible pain with many medical problems and overdue bills for many years and bill collectors wanting to put liens on my things, because I had no type of financial security to get me through many problems like the things I have stated in my letter.

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Perhaps, for many people who had jobs they would not imagine how hard it has been for someone in severe pain to sit behind closed doors each days locked inside of your home like a jail time with health problems and suffer in pain to the point you wondered how society could had been so cruel to other people like me in the best I could state things to you.

Since many of the employers in Lake Charles, have not been willing to help me and I have sat without an income with many health conditions, I never could understand how this made it right in many ways to leave someone without an income who has been suffering in pain in need of medical care and no income to afford her living necessities. I do not know where the morals have been with many people, but it has not changed with how people have been living like me in my personal life and it has not been morally right how I have been treated with no income and living in pain throughout my body with no ability to walk. I do not know where the morals have been with many people in how my life has turned out for me, but I have faced alot of damages in my life with unemployment problems and no ability to walk after I had tried more than several therapy clinics to help me walk again, but never tried to help me. I believe if someone had family who had suffered and could not walk to even get in a tub or leave it, believe me I believe they would of not allowed them to face these types of challenges, but for me since I never had a strong family to help me, but leave my side when I been down on my luck in terrible pain with no ability to walk and stuck inside of my home with no decent medical care nor an income, believe me it has been really made me more surprised how selfish people have been to good people like myself and I don’t think this has been under good morals or values in my opinion, but terribly wrong and sick.