Local person suffers to unemployment problems

Published 9:30 am Saturday, December 14, 2019

I have been a resident from Lake Charles, Louisiana for many years and I had felt to mention what I have faced in my life to unemployment problems with this town not helping me for more than several years now, but this problem is causing me to go through many bad problems in my life, due to many things I have suffered to and how I could lose my life to an deadly sickness again if I am not able to walk in the future with decent therapy for myself. I have not walked for a very long time on my feet as an independent adult, I have gotten weaker throughout my body and been sick a lot more the past several months.  I need decent medical care, but I have not been able to get these quality of things for myself the last several years, due to people in the medical field never trying to help me with medical conditions that I had suffered to in my life for a long length of time and nothing is improving for me, even today. 

I was barely able to recover from the serious infection Sepsis from several years ago,  which came from a bladder infection in 2014, but when I became sick I was dealing with horrible problems of consistently living without an income and the stress was very bad for me to the point, that I almost died from that Infection. I had tried to apply for jobs throughout Lake Charles, Louisiana, but none of the employers would help me to a position. I had became laid off in 2013 when an employer could not keep me due, to medicare cuts and I had found nothing, but many problems from that day when I had went home from the release of that job, that I never could find another job in Lake Charles, Louisiana ever again. Believe me, after a year of draining a small savings from unemployment and it was my husband’s death money,  I barely had anymore money left to pay many of my debts each month, because I had no income in my home fpr more than several years now. 

I do not have good days any longer, because I been sick for many weeks now with fever and I believe to be a sinus infection with no money to be able to visit a doctor for medical care,  but if I do get weaker there is a high chance that the Sepsis Infection could return and make me very sick, because it has caused many people to die and I am not a young person anymore to be fighting with another 2 to 3 years of staying bedridden with no help from family nor friends to recover from this infection. 

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I am stating many facts in my above letter about how unemployment problems in Lake Charles has destroyed the life of an innocent person like myself, but imany years of not being able to have an independence to work like other people, due to the fact it does still take place with the town of Lake Charles, finding employers not willing to help good and honest hard working people like myself  who had fail to a tragic sickness from the stress of unemployment in this town for many years has been a big concern, because eventually I could be sick to Sepsis again and I will not have any money left to be able to pay any of my overdue debts nor will I have a regular check coming into the home for myself, due to unemployment problems.m

Whether some people or most of them can deal with bill collectors, perhaps keep a positive mood on many things about over due debts for many years in their lives, I never was able to sit down nor sleep at night with many worries how my living means would be taken care of without an consistent pay check each month and with rent due to utilities each month along with the needs to keep my car for myself, believe me these problems has been massive for me dealing with these situation and my health has not been in good to deal with these problems on a continuous basis any longer, because I am not really a healthy person to deal with this stress and this situation has been cruel and mean how some companies has not tried to help the less unfortunate like myself for many years and I have been widowed and have needed an income for many years. Believe me, if you had females in your lives and they had to live without an income, believe me their safety would of been an importance to you, because honestly there are problems with this picture when a widowed lady like myself has been disabled and tried to go to some places to find that there was not enough money for gas to pump a few dollars in my car, but someone had offered to give me a few dollars a couple of weeks ago, but next time where will I be if someone seems to want to be nice and gives me money for gas, I will be found dead and rapped somewhere, due to accepting money for gas to go home with and these crazy people will prey on innocent people like me who has been disabled and jobless?

I’m sorry something needs to give with leaving the weak and the people like me unemployed who has been disabled and needs an income to be able to return to college to finish my degree. I am in need of finding a job with my degree to pull an income in the home and I am a former Sepsis patient that still needs medical care for herself in many ways and I need a way to pull an medical insurance policy for myself, due to many problems of not having an income and there are people like me with bad health problems not able to live without an income, but for me I need a job to be able to support myself, because my husband had died in 2005 and he wanted me with a job to be able to support the home, but the employers have not tried to help me for a very long time with many problems I have faced in my life.