Medicare Advantage plans are expanded

Published 6:00 pm Sunday, October 13, 2019

Medicare Advantage plans will be adding new services in the coming year. Members of those plans and Americans in the traditional Medicare program have from Oct. 15 through Dec. 7 to decide whether they want to switch from one plan to the other.

The AARP has explained how Medicare Advantage will get better in 2020, and the difference in both programs. Advantage plans are private insurance plans approved by Medicare that use closed networks of doctors and hospitals. Those who go outside the network for care generally have to pay more.

Regular Medicare beneficiaries can go to any doctor, facility or service provider in the country that accepts Medicare. Those participants are on their own to buy Part D drug coverage and, if they wish, a Medigap policy to cover the costs that aren’t covered by Medicare.

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The AARP said, “Beginning in January, Advantage plans will have the option of covering services, devices — even food — that you don’t usually associate with health insurance. For example, someone with diabetes can get transportation to a doctor’s appointment, a diabetes education program or a meeting with a nutritionist…”

Some Medicare Advantage plans already offer dental benefits, vision coverage and gym memberships. The new benefits are being offered to help people with chronic diseases and those with certain health issues that aren’t seeing a doctor or receiving care.

The association said some of those plans may pay for improvements to a member’s home, such as wheelchair ramps, wider hallways and doors and bathroom safety features. However, AARP said not all Advantage plans offer the extra benefits allowed by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).

More Americans are moving to Medicare Advantage. In 2019, one-third of all Medicare beneficiaries — 22 million people — enrolled in Advantage plans. AARP said the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office estimates that 47 percent of Medicare patients will be in an Advantage plan by 2029.

Vicki Dufrene, senior health director for the state Department of Insurance, told The Advocate that consumers need to do their homework when they are looking at the wide range of new benefits.

“Some of these extras are not offered to every single individual, so you need to do research and make sure you meet the qualifications,” Dufrene said.

Medicare Advantage plans are already being marketed, which gives customers time to learn about any coverage changes or added benefits before the Oct. 15 start of the annual enrollment period that ends Dec. 7.

AARP said the 2020 changes to original Medicare will be announced this fall, and urges citizens enrolled in that plan to go to for updates and announcements.””Medicare Changes graphic