LC City Council amended trash can ordinance

Published 6:00 pm Monday, March 26, 2018

{{tncms-inline content="<p>The Informer answers questions from readers each Sunday, Monday and Wednesday. It is researched and written by <strong>Andrew Perzo</strong>, an <em>American Press</em> staff writer. To ask a question, call <strong>494-4098</strong> and leave voice mail, or email <strong></strong>.</p>" id="3990d342-a6b9-47d7-8159-0b6a9a195528" style-type="info" title="THE INFORMER" type="relcontent"}}

<strong>Is there a city ordinance in regard to trash cans sitting out all week? Residents leave their trash cans out all week on our narrow road and they become a nuisance trying to not hit them with my car.</strong>

The City Council, responding to residents’ complaints, amended the ordinance on trash can placement in October.

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Under Section 9-5 of the city code, trash cans must be removed from the curb by 7 p.m. on collection day.

The penalties for leaving cans at curbs, according to the ordinance:

<strong>First offense</strong> — door tag notice.

<strong>Second offense</strong> — violation notice via certified letter.

<strong>Third offense</strong> — can removal and a $25 fine.

<strong>Fourth offense</strong> — can removal and a $50 fine.

<strong>Fifth offense</strong> — suspension of service for at least six months.

“All fines must be paid before service will be reinstated,” reads the provision.

To report left-out cans, call the Public Works Department ordinance enforcement office at 491-1334.


<strong>Proceeds from taxes have risen over years</strong>

<strong>How much in sales and property taxes has the Calcasieu Parish School Board taken in over the last five years?</strong>

Sales and property tax totals for 2008 to 2017, as listed in the School Board’s latest financial report, released by the state Legislative Auditor’s Office in January:

<strong>2017</strong> — sales tax, $168 million; property tax, $58 million.

<strong>2016</strong> — sales tax, $154 million; property tax, $58 million.

<strong>2015</strong> — sales tax, $111 million; property tax, $59 million.

<strong>2014</strong> — sales tax, $98 million; property tax, $55 million.

<strong>2013</strong> — sales tax, $94 million; property tax, $54 million.

<strong>2012</strong> — sales tax, $92 million; property tax, $51 million.

<strong>2011</strong> — sales tax, $83 million; property tax, $49 million.

<strong>2010</strong> — sales tax, $81 million; property tax, $48 million.

<strong>2009</strong> — sales tax, $94 million; property tax, $46 million.

<strong>2008</strong> — sales tax, $93 million; property tax, $42 million.


<strong>Law allows residents to keep guns in cars</strong>

<strong>What does Louisiana law say about packing a firearm in your vehicle?</strong>

State law allows residents to keep firearms — either in the open or concealed from view — in their vehicles.

But one statute, R.S. 32:292.1, notes that businesses and employers may require that guns in parked cars be hidden from view or be kept in “a locked case or container within the vehicle.”


The Informer answers questions from readers each Sunday, Monday and Wednesday. It is researched and written by <strong>Andrew Perzo</strong>, an <em>American Press</em> staff writer. To ask a question, call <strong>494-4098</strong> and leave voice mail, or email <strong></strong>.