BR consulting firm has four contracts with LC

Published 7:24 pm Sunday, January 28, 2018

How many contracts does the city of Lake Charles have with CSRS, and what are they for?

City spokesman Matt Young said the city has four contracts with CSRS Inc., an engineering and consulting firm based in Baton Rouge.

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Under the first contract, approved by the City Council in August, CSRS will “conduct a technical review and comparative analysis of the current operating budget,” Young said. 

The review, which will cost $50,000, “will identify where inefficiencies and/or opportunities for improvements to the budget may exist,” he said.

The second contract — approved in November and costing $35,000 — involves the drafting of “an economic incentive plan to help spur growth in underdeveloped areas along Interstate 10,” Young said.

The final two contracts, both for engineering services, are for road repairs, he said: one for Sally Mae Street and the other for Comeaux Street.

The cost of the first is $31,452; the cost of the second is $27,565.

“These engineering fees are based on a percentage of the project’s construction cost,” Young wrote in an email.




Sheriff’s facilities house 1,100 inmates

How many people are in the Calcasieu Correctional Center and the Calcasieu Sheriff’s Prison?

As of Tuesday, the Calcasieu Correctional Center held 535 inmates and the Calcasieu Sheriff’s Prison held 604, said Kim Myers, Sheriff’s Office spokeswoman.

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Special counsel spent $3M over summer

How much is Robert Mueller, the special counsel, being paid?

Mueller’s salary hasn’t been disclosed, but a statement of expenditures released a few months ago showed the Special Counsel’s Office spent $3,213,695 between May 17 and Sept. 30.

How that breaks down:

Personnel compensation and benefits — $1,709,597.

Travel and transportation of people — $223,643.

Transportation of things — $156.

Rent, communications and utilities — $362,550.

Contractual services — $157,339.

Supplies and materials — $26,442.

Acquisition of equipment — $733,969.

Of the $1.7 million spent on pay, the report says, $500,696 went to Special Counsel’s Office employees, and $1.2 million was paid to Department of Justice employees assigned to work with Mueller.

Additionally, the Justice Department spent $3,546,000 in support of the investigation.

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The Informer answers questions from readers each Sunday, Monday and Wednesday. It is researched and written by Andrew Perzo, an American Press staff writer. To ask a question, call 494-4098 and leave voice mail, or email