First Avenue Trail project has multiple phases

Published 2:30 pm Monday, August 28, 2017

On First Avenue, the city paved a walking track down the center of the boulevard from Seventh Street to 12th Street.

From what I understood, they were going to continue the paving further north past Seventh Street.

I haven’t seen any activity in a long time and was wondering on the status of the paving project.

Lori Marinovich, assistant director of planning, said the city has submitted plans for the next phase of the First Avenue Trail project — work from Seventh Street to Broad Street — to the state Department of Transportation and Development, which is providing grant funding for it.

Under the grant program, Marinovich said, the city provides engineering data to the DOTD, which then solicits bids for the work.

A bid date hasn’t been set, she said, but city officials expect bids to be sought in fiscal year 2018-2019.

The city’s capital improvement plan lists the cost for this phase as $500,000. The cost for the next phase, which will run from Broad to Winterhalter streets, is listed as $600,000.

State law addresses gathering of officials

Are police jurors allowed to attend a private meeting concerning changes of zoning applications with landowners and their lawyers at the lawyers’ office? What are the laws concerning this?

“A police juror may meet with landowners applying for zoning changes,” Bryan Beam, parish administrator, wrote in an email.

“Further, a group of police jurors may also meet with such landowners as long as that group of jurors does not total a majority of the members.”

He noted that the same holds for all public bodies in Louisiana. Under R.S. 42:13, a gathering of such officials constitutes a “meeting” when a quorum — that is, a simple majority of members — gets together “to deliberate or act on a matter over which the public body has supervision, control, jurisdiction, or advisory power.”

The Police Jury has 15 members, so a simple majority comprises eight members.

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LC City Council has seven members

Please list all the city councilmen and the districts they represent.


Mary Morris — District A, which includes downtown and the area north of Railroad Avenue. 

Luvertha August — District B, which includes sections south of Railroad Avenue, along with the area around Chennault International Airport. 

Rodney Geyen — District C, which comprises an area along La. 14 from Broad Street south to East McNeese Street. 

John Ieyoub — District D, which includes the area from Clarence Street south to Prien Lake Road. 

Stuart Weatherford — District E, which comprises a T-shaped section that includes the areas around Central Library and University Park. 

Johnnie Thibodeaux — District F, which includes the areas around McNeese State University and between Louisiana Avenue and Fifth Avenue. 

Mark Eckard — District G, which includes Graywood and the area south of West Sale Road and west of Lake Street.

For more information, visit